Leap second added to day

The last minute of this month- June, would have 61 seconds.

We all believe the length of a day is 24 hours (which is 86,400 seconds) but an approximate time for a complete rotation by the earth on its axis is 86,400.002, this is because earth's rotation is slowing down, thanks to the combined forces of the sun and moon's gravitation on our planet.
So to keep the world time in synchronization with the mean solar time, a second is usually added to a day at irregular intervals by the world time-keepers.
In practical, instead of clocks moving from 23:59:59 to 00:00:00 , it would now be 23:59:60.
This practice began in 1972 and this is going to make it the 27th adjustment of time since then.
Many complications arise from these adjustments in time as software glitches were recorded in times past, it even leads to a shutdown of computers during that period because leap seconds are not programmed into them, they have to be imputed manually.
This issue would be addressed at the World Radio communication Conference in Geneva, November this year as timekeepers would meet to decide whether to put an end to such adjustments in time.

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