Mankind's Scientific Breakthroughs Of The Year 2015 You Should Know Of

Man is amazing! With the help of Science, man is able to uncover, discover and invent new things. Scientists and researchers all over the world are working hard to make and discover new and exciting things that will help and shape the life of mankind today and in the future.
The scientific breakthroughs of 2015 will amaze and inspire new generations of young and curious scientists to push the boundaries of the world we know even further. 
Here are some of the greatest scientific breakthroughs of the year in no particular order.

I. New Google AI (Artificial Intelligence) Can Learn Language and Carry on Conversation

Google’s developers have just created a new artificial intelligence that is able to learn to speak and model language. It can have a complex conversation, and can even “respond” to questions about morality and philosophy. During testing, Google’s AI mainly helped users solve computer problems, but this development represents a step forward in the software industry.

"Wow! Seems like we have reached the Computer Singularity - the point where artificial intelligence equals human intelligence. The implications of this is so breathtakingly awesome (and a bit scary too) that I can't type it all here.

II. Scientists Develop Batteries That Can Charge in Seconds

Engineers at the University of California have successfully developed a super capacitor that can store as much as a typical battery. The super capacitor is able to charge in a matter of seconds as opposed to hours. This technology will impact the development of hybrid and electric vehicles, space technology, and consumer electronics.

"And we'll all have enough battery power to ping, chat, browse and live happily ever after"

Still on amazing batteries,

III. Tesla Announces Powerwall Solar Battery

Tesla created the Powerwall Home Battery, the first product from Tesla Energy. The stationary battery (rechargeable lithium-ion) can power an entire household, off the grid. The product converts solar energy to power a household.

"About time our state governors invests heavily in solar energy to solve our power least on the domestic level for a start. But unfortunately, greed can't make them see clearly."

Talking about seeing clearly,

IV. 8-Minute Surgery Could Give Everyone Perfect Vision
Optometrist Dr. Garth Webb from British Colombia invented a revolutionary lens that instantly give patients perfect vision. The lens called Ocumetics Bionic Lens can prevent cataracts and could be implanted through an 8-minute surgery. The lens will give perfect vision without the need for glasses.

"Awesome! Just wondering if there's a lens that could make one see through clothes."

*smiles innocently*

*adjusts halo*

V. First Man-Made Leaf, with Implications for Space Travel, Is Invented

A graduate from the Royal College of Art, Julian Melchiorri, invented the first artificial, biologically functional leaf. Melchiorri made the leaf from chloroplasts and silk protein that is capable of absorbing carbon dioxide and light, and will release breathable oxygen.

"Yeah you just read it. Man can create Life. 

As in, L.I.F.E." 

Talking about space travel, GOOD NEWS!

VI. We Have Found Water on Mars

In April 2015, Curiosity rover was able to find water below the Martian surface. This discovery contradicts theories that Mars was too cold and arid for liquid water to exist.

"With liquid water discovered on Mars, all its set for the colonization and terraforming of the Red Planet. In a few decades to come, we'll be seeing things like:

"Holiday trip to Mars loading.......90%"
"Interplanetary marriages"
"Mars Airways"
"Bruno Mars to perform in Mars"
"ChokolateBoss contests for Mars President"

You might ask, "When (not a matter of if) we settle in Mars, how do we grow crops in space since crops are crucial for our survival?"
Good question. The answer is in the next heading.

VII. ISS (International Space Station) Astronauts Has Eaten The First Vegetables Grown in Space

In a major milestone on The Road To Mars Mission, astronauts living on the ISS ate the first crop of vegetables ever grown in space on August 10, 2015. The crop, a bed of lettuce called "Veg-01," was planted in July. The crew will dig in to half the crop, with the other half being sent back to Earth for analysis.

*high-fives the astronauts*

VIII. Duke Announces First Laboratory-Grown Contracting Human Muscle

A team at Duke University has successfully grown a human skeletal muscle, in a lab, that contracts and responds to external stimuli (pharmaceuticals, electrical impulses, etc) like the way a native tissue does. 
This discovery could revolutionize the field of medicine.

"Cool. If they can grow perfect six-packs muscles and give it to me, that wouldn't be a bad idea"

IX. Possible New Vaccine Blocks All HIV Strains

The Scripps Research Institute have created a new drug candidate that could potentially work as a new kind of vaccine effective against HIV-1, HIV-2, and simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV).

"Hollup Hollup! This is not a free ticket to start skin-diving anyhow cos if you get HIV/AIDS, you're on your own. The disease might have killed you before the vaccine gets to Naija. Don't do something you end up regretting later"

X. Audi Invents “E-Diesel

Auto makers are shifting their focus on developing more eco-friendly vehicles which has prompted German auto maker, Audi, to make a new combustion engine fuel called “e-diesel.” The e-diesel is just water and carbon dioxide. The fuel is made by taking electricity from renewable sources. This will create hydrogen through reversible electrolysis. Then, the hydrogen is combined with CO2 and the resulting reactions produce a liquid of long-chain hydrocarbons.

"Oil companies will not like this.

I can make fuel easily with that technique.

XII. Cancer Patient Receives 3D-Printed Sternum and Ribs

The first surgical procedure of its time, a 54-year-old Spanish man received a custom, 3D-printed sternum and ribs. The man had chest wall sarcoma, a tumor that grows in the chest wall. His had grown around his sternum and in order to remove it, doctors also had to remove the sternum and part of his ribcage.
However, using high-resolution CT scans of his chest, the Australian medical device company Anatomics was able to 3D-print an accurate implant, and let the surgical team accurately plan their procedure.

"3D-printed sternum and ribs? How?

Oh laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawd! "

XIII. Scientists Say EM Drive Propulsion Is Actually Possible

Though previously thought to be impossible to achieve and accused of violating the laws of physics, scientists have presented some promising results.
The EM Drive (short for electro magnetic drive) uses electromagnetic microwave cavities to directly convert electrical energy to thrust without the need to expel any propellant - a pretty important factor when you are in space and any kind of propellant will alter your course 

"How this can be done is something I cannot even begin to imagine"

XVI. NASA Finds Kepler-452b: Earth's Older, Larger Cousin

The Kepler Space Telescope has been tracking down planets for years now, but in July 2015 NASA announced that it had found Kepler-452b, an Earth-like planet with the same size orbit, around the same kind of star (a G Star), with the same year length, as Earth.
What makes this exoplanet more special than the others found by Kepler? The sunshine would be very similar to that on Earth, so plants brought there would be like "sure, lets photosynthesize!"

"There MIGHT be life there.....even intelligent life. There might be people there wondering if there could be people on Earth. 
Just guessing o, I'm no Alien conspiracy theorist."

News Sources: 
The web. 
Yours Truly

So what are your thoughts? What major scientific breakthrough(s) do you think was/were not listed?
I'm a sucker for news like this.

 SOURCE : ChokolateBoss on Nairaland


  1. Awesome......... Good job bro!

  2. The intellectual capabilities of man is simply LIMITLESS. The power of the human mind is like 'God' in a potential form.
    Like the ever-expanding universe, man's mind is just the same. Ever-expanding and bringing new things into existence.

  3. Love your pro-science enthusiasm. Keep it up

  4. woooow... guess thats the only way to express what i feel right now in writing..
    nice.. love this blog really..
